Property owners whose real estate stock is getting on in years are often under pressure to renovate their properties in order to maintain the property value and also the rentability. The requirements for such renovations are constantly increasing, especially due to new regulations and laws in the area of sustainability. Renovating in an economically sensible and ecologically correct way is demanding.

If you do not want to do this yourself, you can transfer your aging real estate portfolio to an investment company with variable capital (SICAV subfund) with Avobis. There, our specialists from various disciplines take care of the holistic management of the properties and their renovation. Over time, properties in need of renovation are transformed back into marketable and sustainable real estate.

What we do

  • Central and streamlined management of all necessary renovation tasks
  • Capital increases on the market for financing of the redevelopments without further equity requirements on your part
  • Further contributions in kind and capital increases over time for more diversification
  • Upgrading of the properties ensures value growth in addition to the rental distributions
  • Professional sustainability reporting

We take care of the management and further development of an older property portfolio – you get a more diversified portfolio with better, long-term opportunities on the market without having to commit additional equity. The focus is on distributing a market rate of return and upgrading the properties to maintain lettability and increase sustainability.

Finma approval is still pending at this time.

Raffaele Cannistrà Quer


Raffaele Cannistrà

Investor Relations & Fundraising

Tel. +41 58 255 39 30

Brandschenkestrasse 38
8001 Zurich