We dynamise controlling and combine risk and ESG reporting. Static customer data is enriched from the Avobis data pool in order to manage the portfolio in a networked way, to make qualified recommendations and to help the mortgage lender to achieve volume growth in a risk-oriented way.

What we offer

  • Fully automated and standardised reporting with integrated, rule-based quality framework.
  • Rule-based quality framework, tailored to client needs, for permanent monitoring of investment criteria.
  • Integrated ESG reporting for active management of CO2 emissions as early as the mortgage origination stage.
  • Stress tests and early indicators to identify and manage real estate risks and potential at an early stage.
  • A risk cluster that shows all risks at a glance – regional, creditworthiness or product risks.
  • Integrated data validation and credit assessment with World-Check, CRIF, Wüest Dimensions, IAZI and Terravis.

The mortgage lender benefits from the combination of his static data with the Avobis data pool and the automated monitoring of investment guidelines. Our clients rely on dynamic controlling and risk management that covers quantitative and qualitative potential as well as risks.

Ramon Scussel Rund


Ramon Scussel

Head Investment Products

Tel. +41 58 255 39 45


Brandschenkestrasse 38
8001 Zurich